New Year, New You?

New Year, New You?


Seems to be how it goes every year right? Out with the old, in with the new. I’m going to lose that weight, workout more, quit smoking, quit drinking so much, spend more time with family and friends… It’s all good in theory and most of us hit the ground running, figuratively and metaphorically, but for how long? Good intentions are great but how do we sustain them? Perhaps the problem isn’t the intentions but the goals themselves. They’re usually so grandiose that after a few weeks or so, we slip up and then slip back to old habits. Making smaller more attainable goals you can do on a daily basis might be a better way to start. Below are just a few to get you started…


1.     Get 8 Hours of Sleep

You’ve heard it before but do you really get enough zzz’s? “Cutting back on snooze-time can lead to an out-of-control appetite (some studies show that people who sleep less are more likely to be overweight), a greater risk for coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes.”1


2.     Eat Breakfast

Yes, it’s still the most important meal of the day. It sets you up for success and studies show that “skipping breakfast can actually make weight control more difficult.”2 You are more apt to eat a more calories later or make bad choices because you’re hungry.


3.     Wash your Hands

Seems simple enough and of course we all do it but are you doing it as often as you should? “From banishing cold and flu germs to preventing food borne illnesses, frequent hand-washing is one of the smartest preventive habits you can adopt.”1 Think about everyone else who has touched the doorknob, that restaurant menu or the change you got from the coffee shop. A lot. So do yourself a favor and suds up.


4.     Be Mindful of What you Eat

Turn off the TV, put your cell phone away and enjoy the meal in front of you. Savor every bite and put your fork down between bites. Chances are you will eat less and feel more satisfied.  Talking about feeling satisfied, are you getting the variety you need, like 5-7 servings of fruits and vegetables? Heart healthy fats?


5.     Take 5

Okay, that’s not permission to go easy on the exercise! But it should be a reminder to de-stress and take a moment to breathe throughout the day. Life can be hectic and “stress symptoms can affect your body, your thoughts and feelings, and your behavior.”3 Whether it’s meditating, yoga, a walk or listening to music, take time to relax and listen to your body.


6.     Hydrate

H2O is so important it ought to be on here twice! By weight our body is about 72% water for goodness sake. It not only keeps us hydrated, it helps prevent constipation, flush out toxins…it’s basically the foundation of a healthy body. “It has been medically proven that just a 5% drop in body fluids will cause a 25 to 30% loss of energy in most people, a 15% drop causes death! It is also estimated that more than 2/3 of all people do not drink enough water and suffer some degree of dehydration.”4



So those are just six tips to start your New Year’s Resolution list. Add some more personal goals and you’ve got yourself a 2015 plan! Just remember to stay realistic and give yourself plenty of time to achieve them.

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao Tzu








JEFFICTIONARY (Jeff-fiction-ary) part II

Thanks John for all the hard work and laughs!

JEFFICTIONARY (Jeff-fiction-ary)

Jeffercise (jeff-er-size) – The original… what workout with Jeff is called.

Jeffsweat (jeff-sweat) – What drips constantly from your body during Jeffercise.

Jeffology (jeff-ah-logy) – The study of the name “Jeff”.

Jeffun (jeff-un) – What working out with Jeff becomes.

Jeffoto (jeff-photo) – Picture of Jeff on his website.

Jeff-talk (jeff-talk) – Must include two of the three following words:

1-      “Pumped”

2-      “Cardio”

3-      “Reps”

Jeffreynewal (jeff-renewal) – Deciding to do another year with Jeffercise.

Jeffomaniac (jeff-o-maniac) – Person who works out with Jeff more than three times a week.

Jefficide (jeff-eh-side) – When you feel like he “killed” you today with workout.

Jeff’d (jeff-ed) – Leaving workout beat down tired (see also Jefficide).

Jeffercism (jeff-er-sism) – The use of the word “Jeff”.

Jefferscuse (jeff-er-scooze) – What you give Jeff for not showing up for workout.

Jefforama (jeff-o-rama) – All this talk about Jeff.

Jeffert (jeff-er-t) – What you put into a workout with Jeff… or else !

Jeffido (jeff-fi-doe) – Jeff’s canine friend.

Jeffitude (jeff-i-tood) – When your attitude becomes just like Jeff’s.

Jeffreyquest (jeff-re-quest) – (example: “How many reps do we do with this exercise again?”)

Jeffreyply (jeff-re-ply) – (example: “How many times do I have to tell you this?”)

–          (normally follows Jeffreyquest)

Jeffrey! Jeffrey! Jeffrey! – What Jeff’s Mom used to say to get his attention.

Mr. Jimeson?  Not Jeff… Jeff’s Dad.

Jeff-nos (jeff-nose) –

–          No rollover reps!

–          No I won’t repeat it! This is not your first time doing this!

–          No whining!

Jeffercisers (jeff-ercizers) –




And lastly, our favorite…

Jeff-tastic (jeff-tas-tic) – The feeling you have after spending an hour with Jeff.




See addendum –





These are last minute additions to the Jeffictionary:

Jeffheart (jeff-hart) – What comes out as a result of Jeffercise.

Jeffmotto (jeff-motto) – “Pain is weakness leaving your body.”

Jeffcident (jeff-cid-ent) – Stuff happens when you’re in Jeffercise.

Jeffreylapse (jeff-re-lapse) – Not doing as well in Jeffercise as you once did.

Jefferoni – What Jeff eats for lunch.

Jeffriddle – “What’s the difference between this… IMG_3383   and this… life saver  ??

Answer:  Absolutely nothing… both lifesavers.


Analysis Paralysis

Keep it Simply Successful (KISS)

We all have our resources of information and with technology today we get plenty! This is great. We can get online and have an answer to our query within seconds. It can also paralyze us. With all the information out there about health and fitness where do you start?


You start by simplifying. Of all the information that you’ve read try to commit to one. With the schedules that we have it can be overwhelming to start and recommit to something new. Pick one thing that you can do this week and just commit to that one thing.


Here are a few ideas to help:

  • Exercise 10min a day
  • Drink more water
  • Start logging breakfast
  • Stretch 5min a day
Take a water break
Take a water break


Keep It Simply Successful (KISS Principle). Right now something is better than nothing, so let’s start with something simple and successful.


Stay Strong



Love Your Heart

Valentine’s Day has come and gone and so has all that chocolate…hopefully! Did you know that Americans purchase around 58 million pounds of chocolate during this time?1 So is it ironic that February is also American Heart Month or just good timing? Either way, now that those heart shaped boxes have come and gone, there’s no better time to take a moment and make sure you’re doing what you can to take care of your heart. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “cardiovascular disease (CVD)—including heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure—is the number 1 killer of women and men in the United States. It is a leading cause of disability, preventing Americans from working and enjoying family activities.”2


Although race and ethnicity also affect your risks, healthier habits could prevent many CVD deaths and it’s important to know your risk factors. The CDC lists the following ten strategies for better heart health. For a more detailed definition of each, visit their heart month page here.


  1. Work with your health care team
  2. Monitor your blood pressure
  3. Get your cholesterol checked
  4. Eat a healthy diet
  5. Maintain a healthy weight
  6. Exercise regularly
  7. Don’t smoke
  8. Limit alcohol use
  9. Manage your diabetes
  10. Take your medicine


There are many ways to manage your heart health. From lowering your cholesterol with therapeutic lifestyle changes to controlling high blood pressure without medication, it’s all about finding what works for you. And according to Dr. Richard Becker, director of the University of Cincinnati Cardiovascular Institute, “there are plenty of small changes you can make in your day that can have a big impact on your heart health.”3 In fact, ABC News online complied seven of them, including eating breakfast and getting enough sleep. Check out the full list here.






Something Fun!!!

JEFFICTIONARY (Jeff-fiction-ary)

Jeffercise (jeff-er-size) – The original… what workout with Jeff is called.

Jeffsweat (jeff-sweat) – What drips constantly from your body during Jeffercise.

Jeffology (jeff-ah-logy) – The study of the name “Jeff”.

Jeffun (jeff-un) – What working out with Jeff becomes.

Jeffoto (jeff-photo) – Picture of Jeff on his website.

Jeff-talk (jeff-talk) – Must include two of the three following words:

1-      “Pumped”

2-      “Cardio”

3-      “Reps”

Jeffreynewal (jeff-renewal) – Deciding to do another year with Jeffercise.

Jeffomaniac (jeff-o-maniac) – Person who works out with Jeff more than three times a week.

Jefficide (jeff-eh-side) – When you feel like he “killed” you today with workout.

Jeff’d (jeff-ed) – Leaving workout beat down tired (see also Jefficide).

Jeffercism (jeff-er-sism) – The use of the word “Jeff”.

Jefferscuse (jeff-er-scooze) – What you give Jeff for not showing up for workout.

Jefforama (jeff-o-rama) – All this talk about Jeff.

Jeffert (jeff-er-t) – What you put into a workout with Jeff… or else !

Jeffido (jeff-fi-doe) – Jeff’s canine friend.

Jeffitude (jeff-i-tood) – When your attitude becomes just like Jeff’s.

Jeffreyquest (jeff-re-quest) – (example: “How many reps do we do with this exercise again?”)

Jeffreyply (jeff-re-ply) – (example: “How many times do I have to tell you this?”)

–          (normally follows Jeffreyquest)

Jeffrey! Jeffrey! Jeffrey! – What Jeff’s Mom used to say to get his attention.

Mr. Jimeson?  Not Jeff… Jeff’s Dad.

Jeff-nos (jeff-nose) –

–          No rollover reps!

–          No I won’t repeat it! This is not your first time doing this!

–          No whining!

And lastly, our favorite…

Jeff-tastic (jeff-tas-tic) – The feeling you have after spending an hour with Jeff.