Protected: Bridal-Fit Week 1&2 WO4
Protected: Bridal-Fit Week 1&2 WO3
Analysis Paralysis
Keep it Simply Successful (KISS)
We all have our resources of information and with technology today we get plenty! This is great. We can get online and have an answer to our query within seconds. It can also paralyze us. With all the information out there about health and fitness where do you start?
You start by simplifying. Of all the information that you’ve read try to commit to one. With the schedules that we have it can be overwhelming to start and recommit to something new. Pick one thing that you can do this week and just commit to that one thing.
- Exercise 10min a day
- Drink more water
- Start logging breakfast
- Stretch 5min a day

Keep It Simply Successful (KISS Principle). Right now something is better than nothing, so let’s start with something simple and successful.
Stay Strong
8-week Challenge #2
Fitness Challenge update:
Can you believe it, we are almost to the half-way point. There have been 3 weigh ins and the 2%weight loss range is still a good number. Next week I’ll get body comp measurements as well as your weight to see where the percentage body fat is at.
There is still a plenty of time left to make some significant changes. I’ve seen many of you personally do some pretty outstanding things with your body in 4 weeks. So stay strong and persevere, there are only 4-weeks left and you will have anchored in some positive new patterns.
Keys to success:
- Stay the course
- Build on each week
- Focus on the success’s
- “You’re doing this for your health”
Stay Strong!!