8-week Challenge #2

Fitness Challenge update:

Can you believe it, we are almost to the half-way point. There have been 3 weigh ins and the 2%weight loss range is still a good number. Next week I’ll get body comp measurements as well as your weight to see where the percentage body fat is at.

There is still a plenty of time left to make some significant changes. I’ve seen many of you personally do some pretty outstanding things with your body in 4 weeks. So stay strong and persevere, there are only 4-weeks left and you will have anchored in some positive new patterns.

Don't give up

Keys to success:

  1. Stay the course
  2. Build on each week
  3. Focus on the success’s
  4. “You’re doing this for your health”

Stay Strong!!

Baby Boomer Blast

It’s never too late to get started

I often hear that “I’d like to get started with a fitness program but I’m too old” or “I have too many medical issues to workout”.  That’s not entirely true. The 50-70yrs age group is just as able to work-out as any other generation. Just with any generation, start off light and don’t push it to begin with. In today’s fitness age the options are almost endless and that is what excites me about my job right now. With the proper fitness assessment, Baby Boomers can find their starting point and progress their fitness as well as any other. I have found that the assessment is critical in training any individual to include the Baby Boomer. WebMD also says to start off slow and do not progress to quick; they also give some good ideas about starting your fitness program and just how important a well-planned fitness program is for the Baby Boomer[1].


[1] http://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/features/baby-boomer-heart-healing-fitness?page=3

It’s National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Statistics state that 1 in 8 women in the United States will get breast cancer at some point in her life. After skin cancer, it is the most common cancer among women. But that’s not to say this disease only affects the ladies – although rare, “in 2013, more than 2,200 American men will learn they have breast cancer.”1 

This month is all about bringing awareness to the disease, which also means knowing how to reduce your risk and detecting the early stages. It’s also important to talk to your doctor about your risk factors, especially if a close family member has had breast or ovarian cancer.

So what can you do to reduce your risk right now? Here are five healthy habits to get you started: 2

  1. Maintain a healthy weight
  2. Stay physically active
  3. Eat fruits and vegetables
  4. Do not smoke or quit smoking
  5. Limit alcohol consumption

Detecting the early signs of breast cancer is also one of the best ways to fight the disease. According to the National Cancer Institute, “when breast cancer is detected early, in the localized stage, the five-year survival rate is 98%.” Every person should know the symptoms and signs. It’s also important to perform monthly self-breast exams. The more familiar you are with your breasts, the more likely you are to detect any abnormalities.

Here are the three signs to be aware of and talk to your doctor about:

  1. A change in how the breast or nipple feels
  2. A change in the breast or nipple appearance
  3. Any nipple discharge – particularly clear discharge or bloody discharge 

For more information about these symptoms and signs or to learn how to perform a self-breast exam, please visit nationalbreastcancer.org/breast-cancer-symptoms-and-signs. Remember, the best way to fight breast cancer or any cancer for that matter, is to have a plan that helps you reduce your risk factors and detect the early stages of the disease. If you need help creating your plan, sign up here. You’ll receive reminders to do breast self-exams, and schedule appointments and mammograms based on your age and health history. 




8-Week Challenge

Week 1 is in the books. There were some great weigh ins. Food logs are starting to come, which are important so we can plan the following week. It looks like a 2% weight loss is the greatest loss for the week.

Keys to success are:

  1.         Food log
  2.         Workout consistency
  3.         Water intake

It’s still very early in the challenge and still very open for anyone to win. Consistency and perseverance!!


Stay Strong!!!